The Denturist Association of BC has implemented a Code of Conduct, which we expect everyone to uphold throughout our events. The Code of Conduct serves as a guideline to ensure a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all participants. By adhering to these principles, we can foster a positive atmosphere and promote meaningful interactions among attendees:

1. Respectful and Inclusive Behavior:

Treat all individuals with respect, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, or any other personal characteristics. Encourage a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued, included and safe.

2. Professionalism:

Maintain a professional demeanor and conduct yourself in a manner that reflects positively on yourself and your organization. Refrain from engaging in any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behavior, including excessive alcohol consumption or illicit drug use.

3. Safety and Security:

Maintain a professional demeanor and conduct yourself in a manner that reflects positively on yourself and your organization. Refrain from engaging in any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behavior, including excessive alcohol consumption or illicit drug use.

4. Compliance with Policies and Laws:

Adhere to all event policies, guidelines, and applicable laws. This includes respecting intellectual property rights, avoiding unauthorized distribution of materials, and ensuring compliance with any local regulations.

5. Responsible Social Media Usage:

Exercise responsible and ethical behavior when using social media during the event. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of fellow attendees and obtain their consent before sharing any personal information or images.

By adhering to these principles, we can collectively create a positive and safe environment that fosters collaboration and professional growth.  Thank you for your cooperation.